
List Of Best
Small Business Ideas

Not just one small simple business idea but hundreds. . . .

Most people coming to this site are probably hoping to find a brand new idea which they can be the first to exploit.

Reading through this site I hope you will come to realise that this is not how it happens for the vast majority of new businesses. Just because someone else has set up a business mending cars, selling food etc. doesn't stop you doing exactly the same and making your fortune. Indeed, your chances of success are far higher if you copy an existing, successful business model, (That's why franchising works) especially if you add your own twist and flair to it.

I fully appreciate that many of the ideas on this site seem old and dated, but hopefully you will come to realise that this is the point. Every single one of these ideas, however foolish they sound, have made real money for real people.

Have you ever tried hard to remember something, got annoyed because you can't remember it, and then later, when you stopped trying, the answer popped into your head? Well, that is because the act of trying to remember, informed your subconscious what it is you want it to do, and then when you gave it some time to think alone, it returned the result to you.

That is how this site works. The more you read - the more you feed (your subconscious).

Reading through these ideas will hopefully trigger your unconscious, inspire you and stimulate your brain. Often the ideas seem a bit crazy and unrealistic - almost too simple. But... the intention is for these small businesses ideas to act as a trigger, making you think something like: "That idea's ridiculous, but if I change it around a bit and add it to this other idea - it just might work."

Very often, nothing comes to mind at the time, but later, as you go about your day, your subconscious will join the dots for you and a perfectly workable idea will come to you, maybe weeks later.

These ideas for small businesses are divided into three sections:

1. 'Foolish' Small Business Ideas

'Foolish' small businesses ideas which actually made their creators rich. These are intended to inspire you. For the most part, these are ordinary men and women who just woke up one morning with a 'foolish' small business idea and wouldn't give up until they had made their dream a reality. In most cases, they have made very large sums of money (often in the millions) from these small business ideas.

The purpose of this section is to make you think: "If she/he can do it, I know I can!" Also, the intention is to erase any negative thoughts you might have along these lines: "It's hopeless nowadays, everything's been done. Anyway, the little guy will never make any money, they'll see to that."

Every day, people are bringing their winning Small Business Idea to market and retiring on easy street with big, fat payoffs. Why not you?

I'm also reminded of this true quote from the head of the UK patent office in 1899 (Yes, Eighteen99)
"Everything which can be invented, has already been invented."
Yeah.... right......

Here is a little more about The Foolish Origins of the 'foolish' small business ideas.
This page is where the curious may discover more about the history of the material on this site.

2. 'Realistic' Small Business Ideas

'Realistic' Small Businesses Ideas which you could operate right now.

Often these ideas are not keys to a fortune, but, they are small business ideas which are working out there, right now, making good money for people. You can use any one of these ideas for yourself, or add a little twist or variation.

3. 'Quick And Simple' Small Business Ideas

'Quick And Simple' Small Businesses Ideas. The purpose of these small businesses ideas is to get your brain thinking.

Often the ideas seem a bit crazy and unrealistic - almost too simple. But the intention is for these small business ideas to act as a trigger, making you say something like: "That idea's ridiculous, but if I change it around a bit I could..."

Hopefully there will be something here to capture your imagination!

These Small Business Ideas pages Are Subject to Copyright

© COPYRIGHT 4-Small-Businesses.com
These 'Small Business Ideas' pages have been adapted from S. Goldsmith's course-work with full permissions granted (and paid for!) All of these pages are subject to strict copyright rules.